There's this unspoken habit that we tend to wear the same 20% of items within our closet. When I look at my wardrobe, I can with certainty say that is true. I usually stick to the same grays, blacks, and a special assortment of skinny jeans and leggings. Looking back at my blog posts, I also noticed that although some of my choices are fashion forward, they remain fairly safe. At least to my standards. So you can imagine some of the discomfort and out of the boxness I was feeling today in this neon yellow shift dress. It's not a color I normally wear, I would have added at least 5 inches to the length, and the open slit in the sleeves shows more of my arms than I'm comfortable with . This dress is the poster boy for out of my comfort zone. But as I thought of the past six months, I've started (and maintained) a decent blog, started a new job, and began singing again for the 1st time in years. Its safe to say, I'm out of my comfort zone. So this dress is perfect for my season of growth.

I got this dress form JCPenney's this past weekend during one of their many blow-out sales. It was originally $72 and I purchased it for 50% AND got an additional $10 dollars off for spending over $25! As I was walking through the store, this dress was put together on the mannequin as a shirt with a tailored white pant. Even heading to the cash register, there were a number of things telling me that this may not be my Easter Sunday dress. But those are the perks of having a shopping partner. This time I was lucky enough for that beautiful soul to be my mom. Believe it or not, she was the deciding factor. So here I am.
My shoes are from Step n' Out on Faith Shoe Salon. The metallic sequin print worked perfectly with the neon yellow, stepping even further outside of the box. I was just a package of va-va-voom today.
What are some outfit choices that you've only dreamed of wearing? Find one, and go for it! What have you got to lose??
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