
01 April

Small Business Spotlight: STAY by Stacey Williams

Swimwear is a closet staple for the summer. It comes in different shades, fabric, and (these days) sizes. The swimwear game has definitely stepped it up in the style department, with a number of celebrities and influencers trying their hand at some of the hottest swimwear collections, complete with cover-ups, tankinis, and more. As a plus size consumer, I am overwhelmed with love at the strides the swimsuit industry has made in the past few years.

Still, there are some characteristics of of the swimwear industry that fall..flat. After the warm spring and summer months are over, our swimwear hits the back of the closet, not to be seen again for another 10-12 months. Wardrobe longevity is definitely an obstacle not mastered by swimwear...just yet. But sometimes, you run into a line that defeats the odds, doing so in the most unique way. 

Enter STAY by Stacey Angela , a high end luxury swim/resort wear label that caters to the edgy fashionista who loves to travel and express her individuality. Founded in  April 2002 by designer Stacey Angela Williams, each piece is a one of a kind tailored, handmade, custom crochet design where every detail is selected with the customer in mind. The Stay by Stacey Angela has expanded recently to include boy shorts, cover-ups, ponchos, two-tier miniskirts, hats, earrings, gloves, and bowties. 

The STAY brand has reached multi-location notoriety and recognition at a number of fashion weeks, pop-up shops, and magazines. I took some time to sit down with fashion designer extraordinaire to talk about the origins of her brand and her inspiration. 

Why did you decide to choose a career as a fashion designer? I decided to become a fashion designer after being exposed to the fashion industry by my mother and my cousins. My mother took me to tons of Fashion fair/ Bob Mackie  fashion shows. I fell in love with fashion instantly.

What skills are necessary for a successful fashion designer? The most important skill and tool that a designer needs is there mind. You have to be able to be open to all walks of life in fashion and art. Inspiration is everywhere if you pay attention.

Stacey surely draws her inspiration from bright and vivid color canvases, that can be seen illustrated throughout her designs. Always sure to remind us of the warm spring and summer months on the horizon, you can often see yellows, pinks, and oranges through her pieces. As someone who's personally modeled for her, Stacey ensures that all consumers are satisfied and represented through her work,respecting all walk of life and the beauty in it.

What's up next for STAY? Paris City Fashion Week! You can get a sneak peek of the spring/summer line over at staybystaceyangela.com. Take a look and tell her i sent you! You wont be disappointed!



19 January


When I'm recording my weekly radio show (insert SHAMELESS plug here: It goes by the same name as this blog, Faithandfashion360 Live on WFNKRadio.com, Sundays from 7pm-9pm. Here's the link.), I usually peruse the social media airwaves and timelines for the things people are talking about, the things they may divided on, as well as the things that just need some JESUS. My sites of choice are typically fashion forward, millenial friendly, etc.

I was scrolling down Instagram the other day and I found a post on one of my sites of choice (one that sometimes I'm almost ashamed to say), and I saw a post that had me pleasantly surprised. TheShadeRoom, the place you love to hate, for its constant celeb post and infinite shade, posted a thought provoking question that forced me into a few minutes of self-awareness. It was so much so that here I am, writing to you about it, and eventually asking you to think about as well;

What is a toxic trait that you possess and would like to work on getting rid of in 2019??

1st of all, I felt personally attacked. They asked assuming that I would even have any! *insert fake disgust*

This question spoke to me in a number of ways and there was a wave of emotions and feelings that swept over me as I thought about an answer.

The fact of the matter is, we all have some things that aren't so great about us. We all have traits that have caused an argument. Things about us that people rightfully don't like. Parts of ourselves that, if we're honest, can stand to hit the trash. It was difficult for me to say out loud, but once I got real with myself, I could name a few.

Moment of transparency: I have a spending problem. I mean a forgo-my-car-note kind of problem. It's something I've realized over the years, especially as I've grown my blogging and fashion brand. There were times where I would even make justifications and excuses about why spending money on the latest shoes were necessary.

"My followers need these looks."
"I have a 10 day grace period."
"How can I grow my brand if I don't invest?"

We've gotten very used to justifying our nonsense in this day and age. The world tells us that we are a work in progress, and arms us with resources to halfway fix ourselves for their monetary gain.

We have become so very good at justifying our bad behavior, even our sinful behavior. In reality, we can justify just about anything in our lives to help relieve the pressure of the Holy Spirit bringing things to light for us to deal with them before Him in humility and self-sacrifice.

The problem with this behavior is, we never quite get around to the issue because we've adopted this really nice pair of rose-colored glasses (or shoes) that are blocking us from seeing our wrongdoing, and eventually getting down to the good things we can be. By not acknowledging that there's a problem...it's almost like it isn't happening?

 I'll share a secret with you: God loves imperfect people.

That's right I said it. He loves all of your binge-spending, binge-eating, eye-rolling, nay-saying, negative speaking ways. We all make mistakes. We will unfortunately (and fortunately depending on how you see i) continue to do so. But because Jesus died and rose from the grave, every mistake we will make or ever make has been paid in full. Don't allow ego and pride keep you from receiving God's love any longer. Don't allow blinders to keep you from acknowledging your sin and moving forward  with God and receive His love and mercy.

I task you today to think about something you could do differently. I then task you to consistently pray and ask God to remove that from every part of yourself. Then, I want you to forgive yourself and do better. Who knows what's on the other side of your awareness? Salvation?Success? 

Sounds like a win  to me.


Scriptures of Reference
John 3:16
Romans 5:8
Hebrews 10:24-25
Romans 14:10-19


09 January

Things I Learned in 2018

Unfortunately for a lot of us, the year 2018 was written off as a total loss, a fail, a meme depicting infinite sorrow, etc. I saw status and quote after quote about re-inventing the wheel of life in 2019,entering anew and refreshed for all of the visions and goals that slipped from our fingertips down the drain in the grueling months of 2018 past.

Personally, I disagree. 

Romans 5:3-5 talks to us about glorifying even in our sufferings, for this produces perseverance and motivation even through the storm. During these times, we're able to truly see the glory of God outside of what WE want, but what HE knows we need for our lives. It's easy to pray, dance, and shout when you got that rent check in the nick of time, but what about when things look a little darker?

No worries, I've gotten some totally relate-able moments I had in 2018, and why you shouldn't look at the past 365 days as a reason to start over, but an opportunity to keep it pushing.

1. People will let you down.
For all of my faithshionistas (do we like it?) that don't know me personally, I got married this year. It was fabulous and everything I could have ever dreamed. Getting a group of reliable people together to ensure that I didn't pull out all of my hair was...pretty difficult to say the least. I learned the hard way that not everyone will be happy for the milestones in your life. I also learned the objective way that not everyone is in a position, mentally, physically, or all of the above, to be there.When I took a moment to speak to God through my anger an disappointment, I was amazed at how he opened my eyes to putting myself in someone else's shoes. It made for a less stressful year, and an easier time meeting people where they were at. #goGod

2. Thing don't always go how you plan.

If you haven't been here for a while, you'll know that my OCD, Type-A behavior truly knows no bounds. This year, I became increasingly aware that my plans just DON'T always cut it. And when I tell you that God is hilarious and comical in reminding us that, you have no idea. I'm talking wedding venue payment plans, savings goals, dress ideas, centerpiece plans, THE WORKS! The thing is, no matter how much you plan, there's always going to be something that doesn't go the way you want it to, for a few reasons;
1-You didn't place God at the center and he's the ONLY one capable of executing perfection.
2-  Sometimes you just have to sit back and appreciate the moment for what it is-- a milestone, a win, a VIBE!

3. YOU are your worst enemy.

Some obstacles that we deal with aren’t even real because we have let our fears, worries, or lies from others keep us paralyzed from dealing with obstacles. Many times the key to overcoming a major obstacle is to first deal with what we allow our minds to focus on and realign our thinking to be on par with the Word of God. I'm ashamed to say that some of 2018 goals I set became a little scary to me as the months started to dwindle in the year. I got scared. I didn't feel ready. And I didn't do them. My biggest regret of 2018 was not that the year was 'tew much", but that I allowed the path ahead of me be so big that I curled up in the fetal position instead of throwing on my gear and getting down to business. These goals have since transferred over to "Bella's Back 2019" goals, but you get the point. 

 The funny thing about scars are that they heal. Slipping, falling, and stumbling are just a part of the process to being your best. Nothing good comes easy, and I learned that in all of the 'easy' ways in 2018. So my pray for you is that wherever you are, you allow the tests of today be your testimonies of tomorrow. After all, what's a harvest without rain? 


Happy New Year! Here's to 2019.

Verses of Reference

Isaiah 12:2

Genesis 50:20

Romans 8:28

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Faithfully yours,



03 September

Small Business Spotlight: This Is She Boutique

What do you get when you mix sophistication, glamour, and around the way fashions? You get a personalized stylist, one of a kind pieces, and a fashionista's paradise! This is She Boutique has been keeping me LACED for the past few years, with unique items for the unique lady, with an emphasis on the hood girl at heart!

Founded by Adrienne Randall, This Is She Boutique is located in Reading, PA. Don't let that stop you from getting all the latest pieces though! Adrienne also offers personal shopping and styling services. If you're already sure of what you need, expect to find reasonable prices for the diva in you!

Geared towards the urban community, Adrienne Randall says her clientele is the 'urban sophisticated fashionista', where she specializes in high fashion. A face like this is especially important for us hood girls! I mean, Rainbow and 10 Spot will ALWAYS be great places to shop, but with This Is She Boutique, gone are the days of possibly running into another diva with the same dress!

Purses: ThisIsShe

With yet another amazing style night for the community, I had to get with Miss diva extraordinaire and check out some of her hottest pieces. Check out these and more at her pop up shop/fashion show event, This Is She:Fashion Conversations. Purchase your tickets here and tell her I sent you. You won't be disappointed!
"...fashion is a confidence booster. It feels good to purchase and wear the pieces you love. It gives a woman an extra pep in her step and a swing in her hips. To me that is the best feeling in the world to know I was apart of that." 
Adrienne Randall, Founder and CEO 


31 July

OOTD: Motherland Glam

Happy Tuesday divas!

I'm coming to you today with an outfit full of rich culture, stories, and fabulosity!

For those of you who don't know, I'm getting married in December to the love of my life. I won't gush about him here, but one thing I will say is that in our 6 amazing years together, I've come to love and appreciate my Jamaican roots for everything that they are;mine.

My fiancée is from Ghana, West Africa, and there's never a time when he won't tell you all about his life there. As terrified as I am of long plane rides, the stories about the rich environment and culture has me yearning to visit there. For now, I settle with all of the amazing pieces of his home that he and his family are so gracious to share. I mean everything from wooden chairs and cups, intricately cut and carved by someone's own two hands, all the way down to the gorgeously woven garments that I can never get enough of.

I wore a beautiful hand-crafted shirt, (called a Kaba top in Ghana) this past Sunday. It's one of the many I have (graciously gifted by my future mother-in-law), and definitely one of my favorites. The blue resembled a bit of a denim, helping me add my modern twist to it with denim accessories and these faux marble drop earrings. The sleeves were perfect for the weather, with some ruched/ruffled detailing at the ends. The sleeves weren't too tight on the arms either, another plus.

Faux stone earrings: Similar

I paired the top with these open slit denim pants from Ashley Stewart (currently SOLD OUT), which are a gem in themselves. I adore these pants for their twist on the standard jeans, but they still remain true to the denim feel with their stretchy material.

Where's your family from? Are there any pieces of home that you love and cherish? Drop a picture, comment, or quip below.I love hearing from you!



04 June

Model Monday:Floral Tropical Goddess

Happy Monday divas and fashionistas! Here's to a prosperous and productive week ahead. For now, I'm flashing back to Sunday with these floral pieces I scored from my favorite on-a-budget safe place, Rainbow Shops.

Although it was a colder day out, this ensemble kept me nice and warm , especially with the warm red hue of these pants! The accordion ruffle waist and side tie added some flare to it, along with the dainty floral design. I added another layer of femininity to the ensemble with this high neck, open lace top. How cute!

And can we also stop for a moment and take a look at these amazing earrings! Talk about a statement! These textured discs were lighter than I thought they would be, and I really felt like an African princess. Sunday....CONQUERED!

Lace top: Similar
Earrings: Similar|Similar



31 May

Distractions: When the Only Light Left is God's

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this post in minimal lighting and a lack of electricity.Please excuse any typos in advance. The struggle was real, but needed to be told. 

I've been a resident of the Poconos, Pennsylvania for the past 10 years. I was uprooted from my quaint urban city of Paterson New Jersey at the tender age of 16 to be acquainted with bears, deer, and lots and lots of trees. Those trees became quite a problem two weeks ago, when rural Northeast PA was hit with a tornado of sorts that snatched all power and electricity from my home and power outlets for a grueling 4 days. Though at first I started to create a laundry list of things I wouldn't be able to get done, those four days turned into an enlightening experience, and showed me a lot about removing distractions, intentionally or forcibly.

Distractions are EVERYWHERE. Those subtle time wasters can be the difference between 10 minutes and an hour of meme browsing.

We laugh and joke about it, but getting too distracted can really derail our visions, dreams, and the path that God has set out for us. I had a lot of time to think about this while I was unplugged from civilization. Talk about the light through the darkness!

Distraction from God is extremely dangerous. As believers we believe that God is the captain of our ship. When you start losing sight of your captain, you start trying to steer your own ship. Not only does this lead to going the wrong way, but it can lead you in the direction of trials, sin, missed opportunities, and missed blessings.

So what are some things that can distract us from what's REALLY important? 

Social Media

It may be more fitting to change this to all media! This is a personal struggle for me. How many times do we find ourselves rolling over at 7am, entranced by how many likes our last post got, our the hottest tea for the day? I'm ashamed to say I've done this so many times that I'm kicking myself around 2pm when my day is going ALL THE WAY to the left and I realize I forgot a little something. The media is so dangerous because it is so easy to get consumed in. Everywhere we turn, some sort of media is right in our face. And the worst part; it’s littered with filth. Almost every commercial on TV, and every advertisement on the Internet is trying to convince us that we are missing something, and they are the ones that can fill the need. Our young girls and women are bombard by the media with how they should look, feel, and act…movies, music, TV shows…they all are horrible influences on us because they can subliminally tell us how to live, what's right and wrong, etc. Unplugging from those influences for a few days gave me such a sense of relief and peace, I was almost hesitant to rejoin the social word and images when the light was shining again.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.       -Romans 12:2


This is a common thing I allow myself to get distracted by all the time. The most important thing is that spending time with God should be in your routine! Far too often do we just squeeze God in when we have down time. Its so easy to get caught up in all the things we have to do, like work, eat, sleep, etc. I often find sleep getting in the way! I mean, if I didn’t spend that extra hour sleeping in, I would have a whole hour with nothing to do but seek God! But what I've learned along the way is that when I allow Him to be at the beginning (and End) of my day, it leaves very little room for error and the disasters that are possible to go wrong. 

 Being "too busy"

I think this could be another post all on its own, but too many times, we're guilty of using the "'B" word in concerns to our daily lives and how much we can (or can't) get done. Its almost like there's this secret society we all hope to join by proclaiming how busy we are at all times. I, for one, don't think, it's anything to brag about. We are overworked, overstressed, and spiritually undernourished. Our culture promotes “bigger and better” and subtly challenges us to keep up. Whew! Who made these rules anyway? Satan loves to keep us running in circles trying to beat the clock. If he can distract us, he can minimize our usefulness to the Kingdom of God. Satan may be the Prince of Darkness, but he is also the Duke of Distraction. As Christ representers, we have to be careful not to get caught up in the rat race that has become so popular in the 21st century. The Bible actually praise a peaceful and easygoing lifestyle, especially in Mark 6:31

I'll be the first to admit that it can be a struggle not to be distracted. I've jokingly said to people that I'm not sure how I've earned so many degrees because I have a very small attention span. But its in that moment of self awareness that I'm able to focus even more on the things that should keep my attention; God being the first. If we are aware of what, who, and when can keep us from a closer walk with God, we're even closer to being a force of focus.

1 Corinthians 10:13  No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it.



01 April

OOTD: Resurrection Sunday

Happy Sunday my loves! I pray your Easter Sunday thus far has been relaxing and full of family fun.

I come to you by way of Burlington Coat Factory, who held me down from head to toe today.

Up first is this floral maxi dress.Though spring HAS sprung, the warm weather hasn't quite broken yet,and this beautiful gown helped me stay warm and stylish in my Sunday's best. With these amazing bell sleeves, they were a plus-friendly piece from Heaven,not squeezing or constricting my arms. The cinched waist was also nice and stretchy, in addition to the make-shift tie on the side. I was comfy AND cute!

These shoes were in Burlington's unparalleled discount shoe section.They feature a nice suede material,with extra long ties that can go a few inches up the leg.Almost like a spring gladiator heels. The block heels and zip at the back of the shoe, made for some additional comfort as well as easy on/off access.

Both of these items for scored for under under $50! Frugal and fabulous for the WIN!

What were you dressed in this Easter Sunday?Leave a picture, comment, or quip below. I love hearing from you!



19 February

Beauty Blast: BeSkintiful MakeUp and Facial Bar

Chances are, you have a complaint or two about your skin – whether it’s age spots on your cheeks or varicose veins on your calves. All women want to put their best skin forward, but it’s hard when you’re coping with acne, varicose veins, age spots, moles and more. Aestheticians, also known as skin care specialists, cleanse and exfoliate, wax and laser, moisturize and apply makeup to enhance a person's overall appearance. A skin care specialist will first assess the condition of his or her clients' skin and make recommendations on what can be done to improve their skin quality. An aesthetician will also cleanse the skin, and in so doing, educate the client on which face washes, lotions and creams are best suited to him or her. Applying makeup is another piece of the job description, as is advising the client on a personalized skin care regimen.
Definitely not the top of the list on someone's medical needs--but certainly one that leaves you feeling fabulous. Lucky for us in the ABE area, one such shop of glamour has just arrived to save our skin from all of its faux paus.
I visited one of the newest Beauty Bars in the Lehigh Valley area that caters to all of these needs and more. BeSkintiful  Makeup and Facial Bar is your premiere stop shop for facials, make-up looks, and lash extensions. Run by licensed Aesthetician Jasmine Flemming, BeSkintiful is the only aesthetics salon located in the downtown Allentown area. I interviewed Jasmine (affectionately called Jassy by friends and family) about her hopes for BeSkintiful, and what's setting it apart from other beauty bars in the area. 
What made you want to become an Aesthetician?
I really wanted to help women of color with skincare health. It's not something we do often enough, and simple things we do can increase our skin health for years. 
What can we expect from your salon that's different from other salons in the area?
BeSkintiful is the only aesthetics salon downtown that services beauty needs from the face up. We pride our services on beautifying women through make-up and skincare. We also pride ourselves on being an affordable glam shop.
Affordable indeed! One of Jassy's most popular services are her lash extensions, extensions used to enhance the length, curliness, fullness, and thickness of natural eyelashes. The extensions may be made from several materials including mink, synthetic, or horse hair. Jassy's precision and cleanliness when applying these lashes is parallel to no other. BeSkintiful is currently doing a $25 special on lash extensions. Book them here.
Another plus to BeSkintiful? The aesthetics! Literally. The Spa was filled from room to room with personal glam touches. With 2 rooms dedicated to facials, its tough not to get lost after your personalized session. You can truly tell that there was love and though put into each detail, further adding to the customer service BeSkintiful strives for.

Located at 513 W.Linden St,  BeSkintiful is open from Wednesday to Sunday. Make an appointment, or just drop in. Your skin will thank you!


18 December

Preparation, Perseverance, and God's Plan: When Your Plan Doesn't Cut It

peter pan dog GIF

Here's a fun fact about me: I am a Type-A person. Type A and Type B personality theory describes two contrasting personality types. In this theory, personalities that are more competitive, highly organized, ambitious, impatient, highly aware of time management and/or aggressive are labeled Type A, while more relaxed personalities are labeled Type B.

Being so hyper organized and detail oriented has always been a blessing for me. It's just the way my brain operates. I can tell you how long it going to take me to get to the gas station and hit the ATM (barring a line), down to the very minute. Running late gives me anxiety. And being on time for things? If you tell me 4pm, I will religiously be there by 3:40pm, trying to find out what I missed. I can't help it. I've always been this way. And its worked for me.

For the most part.

In the past few years, my life has taken a few turns for the better---a thriving blog, modeling gigs and shows left and right, sponsorships, collaborations, international flights, the list goes on. Saying that I was prepared for this elevation in my life would be a lie. I didn't know that I was going to be here.

We all have plans for ourselves. This could be a plan for the day, week, month, or even the next year. We have plans for our fitness, as well as plans for eating right and drinking more water. We have plans on finding our Boaz and finding family, or even a plan to cut off relationships (romantic or platonic) altogether.

Sometimes these plans are written down.
Sometimes they're just in our head, without any concrete bullet points or planners to accompany them.
We all do it. Whether its the Type-A or Type-B way.

One thing I've learned about "planning" as a child of God is that my planning holds the assumption that I'm in control. It holds the assumption that my successful planning puts me as the front runner of accolades or praise for getting it right. Do you remember that saying from Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith of the A-Team? "I love it when a good plan comes together." We automatically feel these overwhelming sense of pride when we painstakingly plan something and it...works out?!

The adrenaline rush of making it happen.
The relief in it being over.
The determination as we play with the thought of doing it again.

On the flip side of that is the fear, anger, and disappointment we feel when things just don't work out.

THAT is where I learned I am just a passenger in the grand scheme of things. A few of my brothers and sisters in the Bible could definitely empathize with these feelings as well.You guys know I'm into annotated versions of Bible stories, so look for the corresponding Bible books and scriptures to follow.

Joseph-Sold by His Brothers into Slavery (Genesis 37)

God really messed up Joseph’s life plan. His brothers threw him into a dry well, then sold him into slavery. The wife of his Egyptian master tried to seduce him. When he refused her advances, she turned him over to the Egyptian cops, who then tossed him in prison. He spent years in prison, waiting to be released. I don’t imagine that Joseph included prison time in his life plan. Finally, after many years of painful waiting, God exalted him to the second in command in all of Egypt.
Abraham and Sarah
God really messed up Abraham and Sarah’s life plan. He allowed Sarah to be infertile and barren for years. He took them out of their homeland, away from their family and friends. Finally, after the couple waited earnestly for many years, God promised them a son. Then God made them wait some more. Finally, their hopes and dreams were realized when their son Isaac was born. Then God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Talk about a wrench in the life plan. 
After God rescued Isaac, and all was said and done, God made the following astonishing declaration to Abraham:
“By myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” (Genesis 22:16–18)

The "monkey wrench" list could go on. These were firm believers in the Lord. People who trusted His will and way at every step. So as I increase my prayer life and my reading I just ask God to give me the spirit of trust. To help me to let go of my need to control variables around me. Because...sometimes you can do all you can in the flesh, and He has a better plan for you in the Spirit.

My prayer today:
Father God, I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on me thus far. I thank you for your never ending  love and adoration for me, that you have loved me so deeply to provide me with all of the things my heart never knew I wanted. I beg your forgiveness for all of the times I tried to snatch the driver's wheel out of your hands, as you rode this unsafe vehicle (my plans) into safer terrain (your plans). I ask that you forgive me when I forget what your word states in Ephesians 3:20

                            "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that we
ask or think,
according to the power that works in us,"

I thank you God for being the first and final say in every step of my life. And I thank you for being a better planner than I could ever be. 



17 December

Trend Alert: Athleisure

Happy Sunday Divas!

I have a confession; I'm not a big fad of fads and trends. If I like something, I'll grab it. If I don't, I walk past it. Typically I don't get into the latest styles, as they make for loads of unused items in your closet, made for purging. So, I usually find myself turning a blind eye, until I see something I know I can use in a bunch of different ways.

One such trend whose pieces  I know can be dressed up or down, is the althleisure trend sweeping the blogger nations. 

For anyone sleeping under a rock, Athleisure is a trend in fashion in which clothing designed for workouts and other athletic activities is worn in other settings, such as at the workplace, at school, or at other casual or social occasions. This means that those Adidas sweatpants, or your favorite hoodie can actually be worn as a chic look to the latest holiday party! Fear not on what not to wear, as this trend puts the "purpose" in re-purposing your clothes.

I took a swing at the athleisure trend with this Gucci inspired leggings I scored from TNicole Boutique. Although workout inspired clothing is typically baggy and less form fitting, these leggings had an awesome stretch, perfect for doubling as yoga, or even running pants.

I paired it with this comfy sweater from Burlington Coat Factor and vibrant red heels, for an ensemble made in Chic and comfy heaven.

What's one of your favorite trends sweeping the blogosphere? Leave a comment or picture below! I love hearing from you!
