
Working Woman Wednesday: The Faces of Lehigh Valley Fashion Week

Several weeks ago, I participated in what was one of the most time-turning and unique experiences of my 25 years; I participated and walked as a curvy model for my first time EVER in a fashion show. When I began my blog in December of 2015, I did it moreso to spread the seeds of confidence God has planted in me to embrace ALL of me as he should have it, according to His glory. I prayed to God to allow me to bear the fruit of His spirit in putting me in positions of prosperity and networking if He saw fit. I never imagined the doors this blog would open for me, in terms of feeling great about me, as well as meeting others who feel great about themselves and were likeminded in spreading messages of self-love and self-worth.

Fast forward not even 4 months later, and the connections I have made have made allof the 'what if's', 'I don't think I can's', and the occasional 'why did I take this on' seem a thing of the distant past. Lehigh Valley Fashion Week was not only a premiere event within the Valley to showcase unique and fine fashions of local business owners, it was also an opportunity for myself and many others to see 1st hand that IT IS POSSIBLE. In our whirlwind lives, we can prevail. And it may not be in the way that the woman beside us did it, but it will be as He saw it.

Three testaments to that were the powers that be of Lehigh Valley Fashioin Week. I had a chance to chat with Cyrie Jackson, Winsome Cullen, and Kari Holmes after  the excitement had subsided (if only for a little bit) to speak to them about what their successes, struggles, and takeways have been while being involved in Lehigh Valley Fashion Week. And like most of us women, its what you would expect; lots of juggling, some doors slammed in your face, and the will to carry on--
despite the rain.

1. What is your personal tie to fashion (or your specific title within the event)?

Cyrie: I am the founder and creative director.
Kari: My personal tie to Lehigh Valley Fashion Week is being the Fashion Director for Lehigh Valley Fashion Week. Miss Jackson and I partnered together for a series of successful community events. I really enjoyed working with her and when I got the call inviting me to be the Fashion Director I was super elated to be working with her.
Kari MC'ing the Premiere event
Winsome: I am the marketing and Public Relations director.  I was always involved in the retail world  in some way throughout  my life. The opportunity to  be a part of Lehigh Valley Fashioin Week was a dream come true to help this organization gain visibility in the area and beyond.

 2. What struggles were you met with in making sure the event went off?
Cyrie: Getting the brand out and bringing people from various backgrounds together.
Cyrie Jackson
Kari: The same you would probably find in any major production: managing relationships and learning how to work together as a team. Each person that is a part of the Lehigh Valley Fashion Week team has really big personalities, ( I'm a super huge people person and have a huge vivacious personality myself, so you know I fit right in lol), and each of the team members are very professional and some of the best in their field. You have to be secure and strong while also giving respect to other people. So the most important thing was making sure to respect each person's roles and their way of doing things, but also knowing that I had something to contribute as a part of the team as a creative professional myself. One of the best examples of this was in communicating with the designers. Miss Jackson already has established relationships with each of the designers because she's already known as a leader in the fashion industry here in the Lehigh Valley and Tri-State region PA / NJ / NY. To be a new name and a new voice communicating with the designers required a lot of determination.The great part about having a professional and well experienced team is that they could give a platform for how to communicate with the designers and I could also add some additional tools and templates to create the optimum experience for each of the designers to really feel like a special part of Lehigh Valley Fashion Week again this year.
Kari, doubling as a model on the finale night.
Winsome: Since I deal with marketing I am not directly involved in the production of the show.

 3. How did you balance the additional roles you took on with your personal life?
Cyrie: That was a tough one. Time management was so important. We all have to set time aside for the business and then have peace of mind by enjoying our personal lives. I meditate a lot and then the balance of personal and business just works its self out.
Winsome Cullen

Kari: Child, you remember what MC Hammer said? You got to pray just to make it today. Haha! Seriously, every day in our lives is a new day in our divine Destiny. There is something that God has given you breath for to accomplish in each and every day. So taking the time to pray and read His word so you know what He's likely to say and where He's likely to lead you and reading His word  to let you know what you're supposed to do when you get there. There was no way I was going to check my faith at the door to be a part of a new industry that I had never really stepped into before. I considered being apart of Lehigh Valley Fashion Week as an open door from God. So, I prayed each step of the way and asked Him how I could be a blessing to the lives of others and especially Miss Jackson because I know what it is like to be a founder, visionary, and leader, and how much work it takes to make something major happen in the Lehigh Valley area. I think because of that, our friendship has grown so much. Prayer and reading the Word and listening to the spirit of God were the key ingredients to balancing everything
Welcome baby Quentin!
Winsome: I recently  gave birth to my baby so I  do most of my work from home.  During  fashion week I brought my  little one with me. 

 4. What have you learned from this experience?
Cyrie: I learned that planning way in advance helps a whole lot but also learned that me and the team have super strength to put on a show with just a snap of a finger. Not a lot of people can pull off what we have and still have more positive feedback than negative.
Kari: As a pastor and person of faith who absolutely loves fashion, seeing that God will use you in every area of life, in any profession, and on any platform was the biggest lesson reiterated for me.
Winsome: Nothing is impossible and God will make a way through difficult times.

Nothing is impossible indeed. I truly enjoyed seeing these women in action and getting to be apart of the fabulous production that was LVFW. I am even more overjoyed that I got to do so at the hands and prayers of such powerful and productive women. So today, I dedicate this #WCW to these 3 working visionaries. And today, I dub thee: Working Woman Wednesday. 

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