Someone Hurt my Feelings Today....
Being offended is a direct result of our ego feelings that something has been taken from us, or that we have been deprived of some unspoken respect or kindness from someone else. Being offended usually means that you assume certain motives on the part of the offender, and react to what happened as something that could have and should have been prevented.
The Bible talks about the story of Cain and Abel and Cain becoming offended that his brother Abel's gift was received better than his. For all of my non Bible scholars, I'll give you a quick rundown. Two brothers.Two sacrifices to the Lord. One brother brings fruits of the Earth. The other brother brings lambs of his flock (plus their fat). The Lord likes the fruits. The brother who brought the lambs was all "What about my amazing gift?" Jealousy and murder ensue.
Cain allowed what he felt he deserved ( and didn't get), lead him on a path of destruction and unrighteousness. Many of us do this in our daily lives at work (when we don't get a promotion), at home (when the kids don't say thank you), and even at church (when others are too slow to lay out the red carpet). I read through the story of Cain and Abel just as my ego began to deflate what I felt was unfair treatment. I wanted an apology! I wanted to be treaten better! I wanted!.....
I wanted.
I wanted.
At that moment, I had to stop myself DEAD in my tracks, beg for forgiveness and look at exactly what I was doing wrong. God states in his word that “A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from Heaven” (John 3:27 MKJV), So it was important in that moment for me to understand that my 1. I didn't DESERVE anything at that moment and 2. The real prize doesn't come form someone's pat on the back. And my being offended at what was done to me (or what I thought was wrongdoing), was only going to prevent me form continuing to do his works that I had been placed to do. So who would have been the real loser? Me,that's who.
Expectations about what we deserve from others or how we should be treated are sure fire ways to move on the "not so good foot" within the kingdom of God. When we have a moment of "But I'm great", its important to remember whose we are. Its even more important to take a second and think, "Why am I offended anyway?" I promise you 9 times out of 10, your answer won't be enough to leave you upset for long. So pick yourself up, grab a slice of humble pie, and thank the Lord for another great day for the righteous.
His will be done. ;)
Reference scriptures
Proverbs 19:11
Matthew 18:15-17
Luke 6:22-23
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