Be Anxious for Nothing
I was talking to one of my best friends the other day. I'm so proud of her. She just graduated from a Medical assistant program. She moved out of her family's house into her own apartment. She has a full time, good paying job. Still, despite all of those accomplishments and blessings,my best friend was sitting before me talking about going to the military
Now...before I continue let me prefix this by saying I have no problems with the military. I believe it truly grooms and yields some courageous and wonderful men and who I cannot thank enough for their service. That being said, I know a few of those individuals who were ready for a commitment like that out of the womb, or as a continued tradition in family lineage. None of the above was the case for my friend. When I asked was the story I had heard many times before. "I feel like I should be doing more." So at that moment..I had to say a quick prayer to speak the right words. And what was laid upon my heart was "Let God do his thing."
Jeremiah 29:11-13 states,
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Growing into adulthood, this scripture has really been one of solace for me. Because at the age of 25,I look around and find that a lot of people my age come to a place of uncertainty when "WE" feel within ourselves we haven't got it all together just yet. When "WE" feel like we should be driving around in a BMW instead of a 2005 Toyota. When "WE" feel that we should be owner of Fortune 500 company...right this second. But in that,we often forget who has allowed us this far. I attest ALL of my success to the grave and mercies of my Lord and savior. And while it's easy for me to look at what may have gone wrong,I have prayed for the discernment to instead look at what have gone right. A bachelor's degree. A master's degree. My own vehicle. My eyes,my ears,my hands,and my feet. Are you with me?
Sometimes our flesh leads us to be anxious about the future. Anxious about how great we will be. How fast we will be great? I say to that...slow down. Take the time to allow God to mold you into receiving the success that you will inevitably be. Read,meditate,and continuously pray that what he has for you will be so great it'll even exceed your own expectations. Life comes with its uncertainties. But what we can be certain of is that the everlasting and one true God is for sure. And for us. Stay encouraged.
very nice post Roni