
Don't Settle for Knockoffs

       Think about something you REALLY want. Something that you normally see on a window shopping excursion( I know I'm not alone). It could be the newest Vera Wang,or even the latest pair of Jordans (A blessed afternoon to my male readers! *says a quick prayer for increase*) For me it's this trench jacket from Kierra Sheard's new line eleven60. 

If you're like me,most likely it's something you normally only dream of having. You've walked past the store several times and the price remains the same ridiculously high price as it was months before. Now,you've decided that you're going to get that item if it's the last thing you do. You picked up a part time job specifically to dedicate your paychecks to the item of your dreams. You work day in and day out until finally you're 90% of the way there. You can smell the new and unused amazingness right beneath your nose. But then...you happen to be online window shopping one day,and you find said item on Aliexpress for 70% of the 90% you have. So you get to have what you've wanted AND you'll have some coins leftover! What a steal! 
Except...you know this store to sell some pretty convincing name brand items only for them to wind up being not so authentic. You knew this as you pressed "Place My order",but you did it anyway. And as you unwrap your new purse,or pair of shoes,you're not feeling so satisfied anymore. So you went all that way and essentially you cheated yourself for a less than mediocre version of the same. When you could have worked an extra day or two and that shiny new object could have been yours. 

Depressing right? 

So I have a question. If you wouldn't settle for a less than authentic Coach bag,or a knock off pair of Loubs....why then do we settle for a less  than authentic relationship with God? 

Joshua 24:16-18 Then the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the Lord to serve other gods! It was the Lord our God himself who brought us and our parents up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled. And the Lord drove out before us all the nations, including the Amorites, who lived in the land. We too will serve the Lord, because he is our God.” 

      I'm not here to speak of other religions,or even my own. I speak only of the consistent nature in which we do other things during our day or even in our lifetime. We can get up and go to work. We can remember to watch our favorite shows. We can remember to get our nails and eyebrows done. Religiously. But when it comes to saying a simple prayer in the morning or attending a Sunday service,we save these special activities only for a week or two out of the month. My biggest problem with that is,we (myself included) work so very hard and diligently in forming a relationship with others before our God. Our boyfriends or girlfriends,or the friends who don't step foot into a church except for Easter and New Year's Eve. Are you satisfied with that? No? So why settle? 

       I want to give you a homework assignment. For the rest of this week,I want you to do more than you have in solidifying your relationship with God. Haven't been to church in a month? Go this Sunday. Did you pray this morning when you woke up? Say a prayer tonight. Were your words the reason behinds someone's tears? Ask forgiveness. Whatever you were today,aim to be better tomorrow. Just as you wouldn't settle for anything less than the best appearance, don't settle for a half relationship with the Lord. He's waiting. 

Leave a comment,quip,or anecdote  below at the end of this week about that experience. How did you feel? What did you take from it? I can't wait to hear from you. 

Stay encouraged,

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