
30 March

Be Careful what You Ask for.

We've all heard our wise Pastors and Deacons say it. "When you ask God for something, don't expect it right away. Be patient. God's timing is perfect." Growing up in an era of social media and everything that's fed to us in a "live" format, we've become so used to getting things at what I call a "microwave" speed. The Bible says many things about being patient and standing firm in the Lord's promises for you, even when it doesn't seem like your prayers (and let's be frank) wishes are being "honored" by Him.

Acts 1:7  He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.

Lamentations 3:25-26  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,  to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord

More seasoned Christians, or better yet, those of us who have prayed and fasted for the patience and loyalty God desires of us, have experienced the waiting period, and the ultimate receiving of what we have prayed for. One thing we don't normally prepare outselves for is getting what we ask for. How many of us are prepared? And are you fully at a point to receive what you have so fervently asked the Lord for?

This sentiment has rung true for me for almost 2 years. Yes two WHOLE years. I started out in my currnt place of worship, Faith International Church of Bushkill, Pennsylvania, as an "attender-- coming to services, clapping along with the praise and worship portion of service, "ooohing" and "aahing"  at the special ministry performances, and leaving an hour and a half later, apart of the conversation on how blessed the service was.  Also in my mind? "I'm tired of sitting." So from that time, I prayed to the Lord to reveal to me where in the church he wanted me to be, and to help me find the courage to do what he saw fit for me wholy and consistently.

That was not as easy done as I thought.

On my path to becoming a passionate doer, I was met with almost every obstacle one could imagine. Bad timing. No room. Not being a good fit. No answer AT ALL. It was frustrating. It was a test if my faith. And it gave me time to really affirm that this was what I was looking for.

And then it happened....

One ministry after another  started to cross my path. My excitement eradicated the word "no" from my vocabulary, as I took on one hat after another, so much so that I haven't considered myself an attender in almost a year.

More often than not, there have been times where i'm overjoyed at the idea of being someone that immerses myself so deeply into my place of worship. I enjoy being a committed servant for a number of reasons. The lessons I've learned about my walk with the Lord and the golden nuggests of truth I've walked away with in regards to myself as a person and a leader have been  insurmountable. I thank God daily for the opportunities and the will to excel in all areas. ON THE OTHER HAND, a girl can get a little tired! And its the times when I get tired that I say to God, "I know I said I wanted to serve, but I didn't mean ALL LAT!" Why do we do this? Isn't that what I asked for? And did I really expect anything halfway from God?

Patience and waiting is an important (and fulfilling) part of a successful walk with the Lord.  But equally important is the ability to know that God's timing and plan for you is so perfect that he knows just what you need, how much you need, and when you need it. My question for you is: Are you ready?



27 March

OOTD: Resurrection Sunday

There's this unspoken habit that we tend to wear the same 20% of items within our closet. When I look at my wardrobe, I can with certainty say that is true. I usually stick to the same grays, blacks, and a special assortment of skinny jeans and leggings. Looking back at my blog posts, I also noticed that although some of my choices are fashion forward, they remain fairly safe. At least to my standards. So you can imagine some of the discomfort and out of the boxness I was feeling today in this neon yellow shift dress. It's not a color I normally wear, I would have added at least 5 inches to the length, and the open slit in the sleeves shows more of my arms than I'm comfortable with . This dress is the poster boy for out of my comfort zone. But as I thought of the past six months, I've started (and maintained) a decent blog, started a new job, and began singing again for the 1st time in years. Its safe to say, I'm out of my comfort zone. So this dress is perfect for my season of growth.

I got this dress form JCPenney's this past weekend during one of their many blow-out sales. It was originally $72 and I purchased it for 50% AND got an additional $10 dollars off for spending over $25! As I was walking through the store, this dress was put together on the mannequin as a shirt with a tailored white pant. Even heading to the cash register, there were a number of things telling me that this may not be my Easter Sunday dress. But those are the perks of having a shopping partner. This time I was lucky enough for that beautiful soul to be my mom. Believe it or not, she was the deciding factor. So here I am.

My shoes are from Step n' Out on Faith Shoe Salon. The metallic sequin print worked perfectly with the neon yellow, stepping even further outside of the box. I was just a package of va-va-voom today.

What are some outfit choices that you've only dreamed of wearing? Find one, and go for it! What have you got to lose??



25 March

Casual Friday: Feminine Camo

Similar jeans here and here.
I know...I know you read that title and thought "That was the biggest contradiction ever." But bear with me! Because since starting up this blog, I have learned that visions in your mind can ALWAYS be done in fashion. There is no idea too whimsical or a combination too out there...make it happen. And that I did. Today's outfit is centered around this camo jacket I got from Rose Gal, another online marketplace that specializes in reduced prices of the latest trends and pieces. I set my eyes on this jacket for a number of reasons. 1. It's a light-to-midweight jacket perfect for the spring rains and winds 2. The camo design is truly one of a kind. That might be reasons 1-5,but you ge my drift. The flowers within the camo design add a feminine touch to the casual outfit, without having to add heels. I was running errands and this woman said "I love camo. That's pretty much all that's in my closet, but I've never seen anything like that. It's girly." Thank you ma'am. That's exactly what I was going for. If you haven't figured this out about me by now, whether I am in sweatpants or stilettos, many things with me have to be comfortable and have a feminine air about it. This jacket achieved both!.Check out my Polyvore page for some outfit inspiration on this piece.

My layered chain leckace is from Wish.com. After some concentrated minutes of de-tangling and fixing, I was able to wear this necklace to add an even softer look to the military and camouflage colors.

My boots are from one of my favorite small business owners who I did a spotlight on a few months back. These boots made it possible to head back into the grass for a different backdrop than  what you guys are used to. The gold toe is still my favorite feature. Who doesn't love a gold toe boot?! These cost me about $50. They're super stretchy and they have a zipper on the side that makes it easy access. The shoelaces in the front are practicallyfor show!

Leave a comment below with some of the things you'd like to see next. I love hearing from you!



20 March

OOTD: Accent Ahoy!

So we've all heard the saying. Black is the new black. We all love it. We all own it. And it can literally do us no wrong. Ever. Whether its pants, dresses, or outerwear, black is the golden child of my wardrobe and if I could, I would definitely wear it all the time. What's most fun about it is the ability to adopt free range when accessorizing an all black ensemble. It an opportunity to go CRAZY.

My black to black outfit featured some year ;round pieces that I paired together to create a sexy and sleek look that was perfect for the nighttime party I went to.

The base of my outfit is my run of the mill ASOS jumper. Its an easy on and off and it makes for nice clean lines, but also a black canvas for the accessories to come. My leather jacket has ultimately made another appearance, as the "spring" weather has broken into a mid 40's.

NOW for the accessories;

My clutch is from Rainbow shops a few years back. It was perfect for a night out, when there was little need for my huge tote bags with the never ending bottom.

My cheetah print booties made strutting and walking real easy! I scored these from Lola Shoetique a couple seasons back. The heel is a bit hunky and mild 4 inches, which added comfort to my outfit as well.

And check out that hand candy!1 If you know me well, you know that ring are by far my favorite jewelry item. People always ask me if I leave the stores with any rings, and (though begrudgingly) yes I do. I got these midi rings from Wish and Amazon.

How do you dress up your favorite black pieces? Leave a comment, outfit pic, or quip below. I love hearing from you!



13 March

OOTD: Transitioning into Spring

What a beautiful week it's been! It early March and we're already moving into gorgeous weather. Here in the Poconos, it was a cool and calm 65-70 degrees all week long! Still, we still got some pretty cool mornings, and windy rainy days. With the freezing rain turning into cool winds, today's outfit inspo was centered around transitional wardrobe staples, i.e the ones you can wear when the warm day doesn't turn out to be as warm as you were hoping. This is usually the time of year when we're stumped on what to wear. Let me help!

First up we have this mock denim top that I got from JCPenney's. While the sleeves are long and the shirt reaches me past my waist. the material is light, and the light "faux denim" look makes me think of spring. I also have a shirt similar to this in a darker denim wash. Both tops were $19.99.

Don't be fooled down at the bottom. This "pencil skirt" is actually a dress I owned, repurposed for the transitioning occasion. It features an additional lining underneath the dress, which makes the cool winds today more bearable.

My shoes are a couple season old from Lola Shoetique. These shoes are cupser comfy, and I love the embellished strap around the ankle. The shoe also features some different color combinations, as shown with the camel and black, which bring the outfit together as well as keeping it from being too boring or monotone.

I finished off the look with a camel hobo bag that I got from Rainbow a few years back. The color and free form back help to create a casual Sunday look that was both comfortable and weather apporpriate.

How do you transition from the winter into the spring? Leave a comment below. I love hearing from you!




06 March

OOTD:Fringe Details

Today I was feeling a bit boho. Fringe details make me feel free,exotic,and open minded.It's my favorite. And it's making some major appearances at Spring Fashion week 2016,proving itself to also be a very daring look when done right. 

I decided to go with a this poncho for a softer look. It's a cotton blend with some detailing across the front. This one came from Walmart. It was only a couple bucks. Underneath I have a cami from Forever 21. It's a satin/rayon blend that doesn't have as much stretch as a normal Cami. I matched it with these pumps from Charlotte Russe. 

This tribal fringe inspired necklace is also from Forever 21. Here are some similar pieces here and here. 
To finish off my fringed/distressed look, I threw on these jeans from Haute life plus. They're really stretchy,so when you order,go a size down.

Fringe is most definitely in. It's covering our purses,dresses,and even our shoes. My newest fringe addition will be featured in a post soon. 

Do you have any fringe looks? Leave a comment,quip,or photo below. I love hearing from you!



04 March

Casual Friday: Fitness Friday-Plus Size Edition

I've been on a bit of a health kick lately. Well I guess you could say more than I normally am. I've been so proud of the fact that over the past 365, I've managed to lose over 65 pounds. It feels great mentally, physically, and emotionally. What's even better is the fact that I get to scout out cute new workout gear. Even while I'm sweating, I like to look my best.

These leggings are from ASOS Curve. They have a really great assortment of tights, hoodies, sweaters, and other active wear, although they don't actually call it that. What great about these leggings are the fact that the back of them are higher than the front, specifically for the plumper derriere. ASOS leggings normally run in even jeans sizes (10,12,14 etc), but they have lots of stretch, so no worries about ordering your normal size.

This pullover is from Old Navy. Anyone who enjoys a nice hoodie (winged, funnel neck, or tunic) should run to their nearest Old Navy. They literally always have a sale, so I can promise you'll get a good deal.

My sneakers are Adidas Performance Madison RNR running shoe. The pink cheetah print was a limited edition and I couldn't pass up the sale. These are the ideal workout/performance sneaker because of my flat feet. They make me feel light and airy. They're even good for running, on the off chance I decide to do so.

Below, I've made a collage of some of my essential workout tools. Click the Polyvore link at the bottom of the page. What are some of your chic shopping places for workout gear? Leave a comment below. I love hearing from you!
