
Be Careful what You Ask for.

We've all heard our wise Pastors and Deacons say it. "When you ask God for something, don't expect it right away. Be patient. God's timing is perfect." Growing up in an era of social media and everything that's fed to us in a "live" format, we've become so used to getting things at what I call a "microwave" speed. The Bible says many things about being patient and standing firm in the Lord's promises for you, even when it doesn't seem like your prayers (and let's be frank) wishes are being "honored" by Him.

Acts 1:7  He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.

Lamentations 3:25-26  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,  to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord

More seasoned Christians, or better yet, those of us who have prayed and fasted for the patience and loyalty God desires of us, have experienced the waiting period, and the ultimate receiving of what we have prayed for. One thing we don't normally prepare outselves for is getting what we ask for. How many of us are prepared? And are you fully at a point to receive what you have so fervently asked the Lord for?

This sentiment has rung true for me for almost 2 years. Yes two WHOLE years. I started out in my currnt place of worship, Faith International Church of Bushkill, Pennsylvania, as an "attender-- coming to services, clapping along with the praise and worship portion of service, "ooohing" and "aahing"  at the special ministry performances, and leaving an hour and a half later, apart of the conversation on how blessed the service was.  Also in my mind? "I'm tired of sitting." So from that time, I prayed to the Lord to reveal to me where in the church he wanted me to be, and to help me find the courage to do what he saw fit for me wholy and consistently.

That was not as easy done as I thought.

On my path to becoming a passionate doer, I was met with almost every obstacle one could imagine. Bad timing. No room. Not being a good fit. No answer AT ALL. It was frustrating. It was a test if my faith. And it gave me time to really affirm that this was what I was looking for.

And then it happened....

One ministry after another  started to cross my path. My excitement eradicated the word "no" from my vocabulary, as I took on one hat after another, so much so that I haven't considered myself an attender in almost a year.

More often than not, there have been times where i'm overjoyed at the idea of being someone that immerses myself so deeply into my place of worship. I enjoy being a committed servant for a number of reasons. The lessons I've learned about my walk with the Lord and the golden nuggests of truth I've walked away with in regards to myself as a person and a leader have been  insurmountable. I thank God daily for the opportunities and the will to excel in all areas. ON THE OTHER HAND, a girl can get a little tired! And its the times when I get tired that I say to God, "I know I said I wanted to serve, but I didn't mean ALL LAT!" Why do we do this? Isn't that what I asked for? And did I really expect anything halfway from God?

Patience and waiting is an important (and fulfilling) part of a successful walk with the Lord.  But equally important is the ability to know that God's timing and plan for you is so perfect that he knows just what you need, how much you need, and when you need it. My question for you is: Are you ready?



  1. This post was said beautifully.. that is so very true lots of us ask God for things and not even ready to handle it but still complain about not having it yet and why it's taking so long. Then it happens and we freak out. Patience along with faith is the way to go.

  2. Well said! It's important for us to remember that his promises for us are true! Thanks for reading!
